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Advantages of air purifier

advantages of air purifier

In today's increasingly serious pollution, more and more families are starting to use air purifiers, but in the face of a large number of categories of air purifier products, how should you choose? What are the advantages of different types of air purifiers?

Advantages of air purifier

1. Adsorptive filtration - activated carbon

Activated carbon is a kind of porous carbonaceous material, it has a highly developed pore structure, the porous structure of activated carbon provides a large amount of surface area, and can be in full contact with the gas (impurities), which gives the activated carbon unique adsorption properties so that it is very easy to achieve the purpose of absorbing the collection of impurities. Like magnetism, all molecules have a mutual gravitational force. Such as the popular bamboo charcoal products on the market and so on.

Disadvantages: ordinary activated carbon does not adsorb so toxic gases, has low efficiency, easy to desorption.

2. Mechanical filtration - HEPA mesh

HEPA (High-efficiency particulate air filter), Chinese meaning high-efficiency air filter, to achieve the HEPA standard filter, for 0.3-micron efficiency of 99.999%.

HEPA mesh is characterized by the fact that air can pass through it, but fine particles cannot. HEPA filters consist of a stack of continuous back-and-forth folded sub-glass fiber membranes, which form a wavy spacer used to place and support the filtration matrix.

Disadvantage: The filter needs to be cleaned or updated regularly, which has a certain hidden cost.

Electrostatic purification method

Electrostatic precipitator tungsten filament continuously releases high-voltage static electricity, so that the air in the dust and bacteria are positively charged, and then adsorbed by the negative electrode plate. It can filter dust and smoke which are smaller than cells. Comprehensively protects the respiratory system and greatly reduces the risk of cancer.

Advantages: easy to use, after one or two weeks of use, you can wash out the black dirty water, and decelerate less secondary pollution.

And do not have to replace the expensive consumables. And can be electrostatic sterilization. Electrostatic tungsten filament releases 6000 volts of high-voltage static electricity, instantly killing bacteria, viruses, and pollen. Extremely effective in eliminating colds and various infectious diseases.

Disadvantage: after a power failure, the dust adsorbed on the electrode will be released to cause secondary pollution, so the electrode plate needs to be cleaned regularly.

Chemical purification method

1. Photocatalytic method

Air through the photocatalytic air purification device, photocatalysts in the light of their own unchanged, but can promote chemical reaction substances in the air of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, etc. in the photocatalytic degradation of non-toxic and harmless substances, and bacteria in the air is also ultraviolet light to get rid of the air, so the air is purified.

Disadvantages: broad-spectrum but requires low airflow, slow purification, and a certain amount of radiation on the human body, in Europe and the United States phased out of the purification method.

2. Formaldehyde remover

Is the use of chemical substances and formaldehyde chemical reaction to achieve the purpose of removing formaldehyde

(1) chemical reaction: chemical reaction with formaldehyde to generate carbon dioxide and water, such as ammonia, etc..

(2) biological class: made of biological agents that can react with formaldehyde, such as urea, soy protein, amino acids, etc.; 3) plant class: made of plant extracts.

(3) Plant-based: made from plant extracts, such as aloe vera, tea extracts, etc.; and

(4) closed class: made of film-forming substances, the formation of a film to prevent the release of formaldehyde, such as polysaccharide, liquid paraffin, and so on.

Disadvantages: First, the chemical reaction after the generation of substances is likely to bring secondary pollution, the practice often appears in the process of secondary detection of the phenomenon of exceeding the standard. The second is not to change the chemical composition based on absorption of formaldehyde, and reduce the formaldehyde content in the air, but this way of treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, formaldehyde is easy to release again.

3. Pharmaceutical, catalytic method - cold catalyst essence

Cold catalysts, also known as natural catalysts, the photocatalyst deodorant air purification materials another new type of air purification material, that can catalytic reactions at room temperature, at room temperature, and pressure to make a variety of harmful odor gas decomposition into harmless and tasteless substances, from simple physical adsorption into chemical adsorption, adsorption, and decomposition, to get rid of formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, TVOV, and other harmful gases, to generate water and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide.

In the catalytic reaction process, the cold catalyst itself is not directly involved in the reaction, after the reaction the cold catalyst does not change and not does lose, its long-term role. The cold catalyst itself is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-combustible, and the reaction products are water and carbon dioxide, which does not produce secondary pollution and greatly extends the service life of the adsorption material.

Other purification methods

1. Water washing method

Using the siphon and centrifugal principle, the purifying agent mixed with water is sucked into the suction tube under the coaxial centrifugal turbine at the base of the motor through the siphon principle, and the motor rotates at high speed through the AC shaded-pole motor, and then using the centrifugal principle, the purifying agent mixed with water is sprayed inside the bottle liner to form a layer of water film, which sucks the dust and bacteria into the water, and at the same time, the purified air is blown into the indoor area to remove the toxin organisms, dust, smoke, odor, viruses, etc., and generate a large amount of fresh oxygen in the indoor area. Toxic organisms, dust, smoke, odor, viruses, etc., produce a large amount of fresh oxygen.

2. Negative Ion Method

Negative hydroxyl ions in contact with the harmful gases floating in the air can restore the pollutants from the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides, cigarettes, etc. generated by reactive oxygen (oxygen radicals), to reduce the harmful effects of excessive reactive oxygen on the human body; neutralization of positively charged airborne dust without charge after the settlement, so that the air is purified.

3. Ultraviolet sterilisation type

Ultraviolet sterilization type air purification sterilizer is the same way of forcing the flow of indoor air, so that the air does not directly irradiate the human body, equipped with ultraviolet sterilization lamps in the isolation of the container, to achieve all kinds of bacteria in the indoor air, viruses, and fungi to kill the purpose. Ultraviolet light is divided into A-wave, B-wave, C-wave, and vacuum ultraviolet, which disinfection and sterilization of ultraviolet light used should be C-band, its wavelength range is 200-275nm (nm), and the strongest bactericidal effect of the band is 250-275nm (nm). The irradiation dose of UV sterilizing lamps used to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi should be more than 20000μW.s/cm2.

Disadvantages: the need for a certain amount of time for UV irradiation to have a significant bactericidal effect, and the flow of air for a short period of irradiation effect is limited.

4. Integrated

A comprehensive air purifier, as the name suggests, is a combination of monolithic air purification to achieve the purpose of purifying a variety of indoor air pollutants. Commonly integrated air purifiers are:

(1) electrostatic dust collection + ordinary cartridge history type;

(2)Electrostatic dust collection + electronic dust collection type; (2)Electrostatic dust collection + electronic dust collection type; (3)Negative dust collection + electronic dust collection type

(3) Negative ion + electronic dust collection + ordinary cartridge type.

(4)Negative ion + HEPA filter; (5) Normal filter; (6) Negative ion + HEPA filter; (7) Negative ion + HEPA filter.

(5) Ordinary cartridge + HEPA cartridge + activated carbon.

(6) ordinary cartridge + HEPA cartridge + activated carbon + ultraviolet sterilisation and so on.

Disadvantages: Comprehensive air purifier is the way most brands on the market today. However, due to the HEPA filter material, filtration level, and other different, negative ion technology and other reasons and lead to the actual purification effect of each brand of air purifier is not the same.


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