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Air purification engineering technology

Air purification

Air purification engineering is within a certain space, the air in the microparticles, harmful air, bacteria, and other pollutants excluded, and will be indoor temperature, cleanliness, pressure, air velocity, air distribution, noise vibration, and lighting, static electricity control in a certain demand range of engineering. The working principle of the air purification project is to use the fan to pump air into the machine, through the built-in filter air, mainly able to play a role in filtering dust, odor, and toxic gases and killing some bacteria.

The working principle of the air purification project

Air purifier working principle classification active purification class without filter type according to the active bactericidal principle of these products can be divided into silver ion technology, anion technology, low-temperature plasma technology, photocatalyst technology, and plasma cluster ion technology.

The working principle of the air purification project is: that the fan will be pumped into the machine, through the built-in filter air, mainly able to play a role in filtering dust, odors, and toxic gases and kill part of the role of bacteria. The filter is divided into a dust collection filter, formaldehyde filter, deodorant filter, and HEPA filter.

One of the higher costs is the HEPA filter, which can play a role in the decomposition of toxic gases and bactericidal effects, especially to inhibit secondary pollution. These products are characterized by the fan function and the quality of the filter to determine the purification effect, the placement of the machine and the indoor layout affect whether the purification is complete, the indoor purification effect is not balanced, but also difficult to complete, the filter replacement cost is high.

Air purification engineering technology

1. Silver ion purification technology

Simply put, it is the silver ionization blowing into the air tplaysay a bactericidal effect shortcomings of the product cost are high, the bacterial killing rate is low, almost no killing characteristics of the virus. Product representative: early Panasonic air purifier.

2. Ionization technology

The main principle is the use of electrostatic release of negative and ons, adsorption of dust in the air to play a role in dust reduction, while negative ions of oxygen in the air are also ionized into the role of ozone, bacteria have a certain role in killing the advantages of this type of product is the lower cost of production. Product representative: Yadu, Philips.

3. Temperature plasma technology

The main principle is that, by giving the gas external voltage to the gas discharge voltage, so that the gas is broken through, producing a variety of strong oxidative low-temperature plasma, and in a very short period to the contact.

The application of air purification engineering

Air purification projects in improving product quality and other aspects have very obvious effects, according to foreign literature reports, for semiconductors in 10000 class and l00 class clean rooms in the manufacture of products through the pressure test, in the l00 class clean room and outside the atmospheric environment in the transistor coating diffusion, 100 class clean room in the distribution of the product's performance is concentrated, and the peak appeared in the place of higher performance.

However, treating anything can not be absolutized, the same as the role of air cleaning technology can not be absolutized, and can not be completely attributed to it improving product quality.

According to foreign material analysis, for example, for the semiconductor components sector, the role of clean air technology in improving product quality in the overall production accounted for about 20% of the proportion of the role of automation of the production process accounted for 60% of the proportion of other factors accounted for 20%. Of course, once the production process has been resolved after the problem, air purification is the main contradiction, such as ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, there is no clean environment, and it is almost impossible to produce.

The need for air purification industries and sectors are electronics, precision machinery, aerospace, chemical industry, printing industry, atomic energy industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, animal experiments, and injection molding industry.

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