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Are ozone air sterilizers harmful to people?

air sterilizers

Air sterilizer, i.e. a machine that disinfects and sterilizes the air. In addition to killing bacteria, viruses, molds, spores, and other so-called bactericidal disinfection, some models can also remove formaldehyde, phenol, and other organic pollutants in the indoor air gas, but also can kill or filter pollen and other allergens. Air sterilizer is now used in many places to purify air equipment, then how to use the air sterilizer? Air steriliser is harmful to the human body?

What is an air sterilizer?

That is a machine that sterilizes and disinfects the air. In addition to killing bacteria, viruses, molds, spores, etc., some can also remove polluting gases such as formaldehyde and phenol from the air, and even kill or filter allergens such as pollen. And they can also effectively remove the smoke and cigarette smell produced by smoking, bad bathroom odor, human body odor, and so on. Air sterilizer is used in a very wide range of applications and for many people.

How air sterilizer work?

Ozone is generated by the ozone generator, a light blue unstable gas, which is an isotope of oxygen, consisting of three oxygen atoms, the molecular formula is expressed as O3, At room temperature, it can decompose into its primordial state of oxygen, a strong oxidizing agent, the oxidizing capacity is second only to fluorine.

Ozone in the air disinfector is mainly made by electrolysis, in general, medium-sized ozone generators including an oxygen source and an air source of two kinds of oxygen can be directly electrolysis into ozone. Ozone generated by the ozone generator, in low concentrations can immediately complete the oxidation, and trace with a fresh smell, high concentrations have a strong bleach smell because ozone and organic and inorganic substances can produce oxidation of melon.

According to practical experience, ozonated gas as water treatment, decolorization, deodorization, sterilization, alga, and virus inactivation, etc.; in addition manganese, in addition to sulfide, in addition to phenol, in addition to chlorine, in addition to pesticide odor, petroleum products, and synthetic washing after disinfection; as an oxidizing agent, used in the synthesis of certain fragrances, drug refining, lubricating grease synthesis, and synthetic fiber manufacturing; used as a catalyst, as a catalyst for the quick-drying of inks and coatings, combustion aids and winemaking Fermentation, all kinds of fiber pulp bleaching, decolorization of detergents, deodorization of fur processing parts, etc.; Used in hospital wastewater treatment, mainly play a role in disinfection. Deodorisation and other effects. Wastewater treatment can eliminate phenol, sulfur, cyanide oil, phosphorus, aromatic hydrocarbons iron, manganese, and other metal ions.

Air disinfector, mainly using an electrolytic ozone generator, in the case of ozone output, through the micro-nanoparticle high-speed device, the ozone gas in the form of micro-nano-ion output, diffusion area is uniform, the ions cover a wide range of areas, leaving no dead ends, so it is the best choice for disinfection and killing of bacteria. And switch on the machine for a trial run.

Applicable people

1. Pregnant women: because pregnant women are in the air is seriously polluted environment, there will be dizziness, sweating and other adverse reactions to the fetus in the abdomen is very unfavorable to the possibility of heart disease is much higher than the breathing of fresh air under the pregnant women born to the child.

2. Children: children are still in the stage of physical development, the immune system is more fragile, and resistance to indoor air pollution is weak, if the long-term environment of poor air quality, the immune system will decline rapidly, physical development is affected, intelligence may also be damaged.

3. Move into a new house family: the main killers of indoor decoration pollution are formaldehyde, benzene, and benzene substances, of which formaldehyde has been designated by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic and teratogenic substances, prolonged exposure, or triggering a variety of respiratory diseases, and even leukemia and other malignant diseases.

4. The office family: long-term in the air in a bad indoor environment, white-collar workers are very prone to dizziness, chest tightness, hair power, or emotional ups and downs fluctuations of the maladaptive disorder, thus reducing work efficiency, triggering a variety of diseases, and serious will also be suffering from cancer.

5. The elderly: the elderly physical function is not as good as young adults, usually a variety of chronic diseases, poor air quality, often caused by bronchitis, laryngitis or pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, and even induced high blood pressure, heart disease and cerebral hemorrhage and other diseases.

6. Patients with respiratory diseases: living in a polluted environment for a long time, respiratory function will rapidly decline, respiratory symptoms become more serious, especially rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, etc., and some, such as lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, etc., the chances of disease will be greatly increased.

7. Drivers: the air inside the car is not good, there will often be a lack of oxygen phenomenon, and car exhaust pollution is serious.

8. Hospital staff: an important place for the spread of disease.

The use of air sterilizer specification

1. Can not be used over the scope of space.

2. Pay attention to the airtightness of the room. Disinfection should be closed doors and windows, to maintain a good airtight room, strictly prohibit the entry of unrelated personnel, as far as possible to reduce the number of people indoors, to ensure the effect of disinfection.

3. Pay attention to indoor surface hygiene. This machine is only effective for air, with no disinfection effect on the surface of objects.

4. The choice of disinfection start time.

Preventive disinfection: disinfect regularly 2 times a day, each boot 60 ~ 120min. Generally arranged in the morning before work and after work in the afternoon.

Dynamic disinfection: the purpose is to control and reduce personnel activities in the process of secondary pollution of the ambient air. Generally, it is carried out during the peak of personnel activities, such as changing clean bed units and consulting rooms.


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