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Ten misconceptions of indoor air pollution control

air pollution control

Indoor pollution from a wide range of sources, and local management of the whole environment is limited to improving the indoor air treatment is necessary, however, the indoor air pollution management process often appears misunderstood. Excessive belief in environmentally friendly building materials, that the choice of expensive materials and furniture can avoid air pollution, and that the decoration of the room does not smell is safe. What are the indoor air pollution controls?

Indoor air pollution control ten misunderstandings

Building Materials Misconceptions

Excessive belief in environmentally friendly building materials, that the use of environmentally friendly materials, buying environmentally friendly furniture, indoor air pollution will not occur.

The use of environmentally friendly building materials in the renovation process can help reduce indoor harmful gases, but it does not mean that there are no harmful substances at all.

First of all, China's national standard for green building materials is not ideal, the so-called E1 grade environmental protection building materials on the market, and international standards are far from it. Because in the development of environmentally friendly building materials standards, taking into account the current production level of most domestic building materials enterprises, the relevant industry regulators only try to international standards close.

Second: even if all the application of environmentally friendly building materials, the final air quality may also exceed the standard. As with most environmentally friendly building materials only harmful substances and harmful gases are emitted below a certain standard, not at all contain no harmful substances, do not emit harmful gases, coupled with the design of the renovation, the structure of the room, ventilation, and other factors, will produce harmful gases "superimposed effect", so in a fixed space may still cause Indoor air pollutants may still cause the exceeding of the standard.

Furniture Misconceptions

Thinking that choosing expensive materials and furniture, let a large decoration company decoration, decoration pollution can be avoided.

As the saying goes, "No aldehyde not paint, no stupid not glue."

Even if the price of expensive materials and furniture, its internal is also the use of urea-formaldehyde resin production, which contains the same free formaldehyde; and all the high-grade paint, half of the solvents such as benzene. As long as these materials are used, they bring pollution.

Odour Misconceptions

Judge the presence or absence of pollutants entirely by the smell, thinking that it is safe to have a room that does not smell too much after renovation.

Like human health conditions, the indoor environment has three forms: healthy, sub-healthy, and sick, and many harmful gases are colorless and odorless.

Like the treatment of disease, the indoor air environment also needs prevention, health care, and treatment; such as the health care doctor of the room, a professional indoor environmental protection company through the provision of environmental protection treatment services, for you to create a healthier living room environment.

Ventilation Misconceptions

Relying on short-term ventilation treatment, we believe that if we ventilate a new house for some time, the air quality will be able to meet the safety standard.

Ventilation treatment, as a basic environmental protection measure, has a great effect on improving indoor pollution.

But because some harmful substances will be released slowly, such as formaldehyde up to 3-15 years, never a few months of ventilation can solve the problem, in its intensive dissemination period of 1-3 years, you have to risk a greater risk of disease, and cancer. And in most of the rooms, office buildings, fresh air is not ideal, ventilation will be greatly reduced.

In addition to formaldehyde, for example, it is divided into free, adsorption, combined with three states exist. Only the free state of ventilation treatment can be eliminated and must be more than 4 times the normal wind speed.

Plant Misconceptions

Relying too much on plants, thinking that placing a few plants at home can completely absorb pollutants.

Some plants can indeed absorb a certain amount of certain harmful gases, such as formaldehyde-absorbing plants are orchids, aloe vera, etc.; and ivy, ironwood, and chrysanthemums, these three have a certain degree of adsorption of the effectiveness of stupid.

But plants photosynthesis during the day to absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen; night absorption of oxygen, releases carbon dioxide, the human body is unfavorable, especially for pollen, flowers are easily allergic to people.

The efficacy of plants to remove harmful gases is very limited and, at best, can only be used as an auxiliary means of indoor environmental management. To make it clearer, only when the indoor air is mildly polluted, plants can play a small role in removing odors; when the indoor air is seriously polluted, plants can do nothing, and even the plants themselves will be smoked to death by harmful gases.

What's more, even if the plants in the absorption of harmful gases, then, people are not also absorbing harmful gases at the same time.

Fresheners Misconceptions

It is believed that the use of vinegar fumigation and other acidic substances can remove indoor air pollutants.

Some consumers try to fumigate vinegar to remove the odor after a home renovation. Experts pointed out that vinegar is an acidic substance, there is a weak neutralization of the role of ammonia in the air but will not react with formaldehyde and other harmful ingredients. Hypochlorite and other oxidizing agents have only short-term effects, on the formaldehyde content of high-density board, but will play a counterproductive role in accelerating its volatilization.

Acid Misconceptions

The use of odor-masking methods, that the use as pineapple, orange peel, air freshener, etc. can eliminate air pollutants.

Some people think: that putting a few pineapples in each room can eliminate the smell of paint, and put more in the big room. Pineapple will evaporate the aroma, and play a certain role in covering, but did not decompose to remove harmful substances. In addition, the pineapple contains a large amount of water, volatile at most play a humidifying effect, and can play a role in dissolving harmful substances such as formaldehyde, but once dry, formaldehyde will volatilize again.

Some people even in rooms and wardrobes placed tea after the dry tea roots, hoping to help remove the poisonous gas, do not know, that tea roots in this regard, like dry leaves and toilet paper, have almost no absorption and decomposition the role.

Air Purifier Misconceptions

Thinking that using an air purifier will completely remove pollutants such as formaldehyde.

The principle of air purifiers and activated carbon is similar, they use the physical adsorption method to adsorb some of the pollutants, even if the market is now some of the prices of high-end air purifiers are the same as the use of activated carbon for deodorization, de-toxicity.

Air purifier only free formaldehyde in the air has a certain effect, can not solve the adsorption, combined with formaldehyde inside the furniture, and air purifier must be powered on all the time to play a role, so the air purifier uses a few months after the effect will decline significantly, and in the end, even can not play any role.

Time Misconceptions

Older, already occupied houses don't matter.

Benzene TVOC and other pollutants, in the room ventilation after three or five months, can be reduced to a certain standard, formaldehyde is with the surrounding environmental temperature and humidity increases and exponential volatility, so the summer is the peak of formaldehyde volatilization, and this is not to say that formaldehyde does not volatilize in the winter, but the volatility of the slower, and formaldehyde in the gaseous state at room temperature.

Moreover, the windows and doors are closed at night, and sleeping people can not feel the harmful gases around, after a night of accumulation, the concentration of harmful gases in the air has reached the degree of damage to health.

Resistance Misconceptions

The human body is resistant to decline or even sick, but do not know is caused by indoor pollutants.

Most of the consumers in sick only to hospitals, but can not think of the root cause of the disease where, ignoring the indoor people rely on the air, and the medical expenses spent a lot of money, can not be cured. Therefore, the renovation of indoor air quality testing promptly, found that there is pollution promptly, but also to maximize the distance from the disease.


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